Surviving Reality Travel Television

When you look at most of the dangerous animals out there- it is surprising to note that  most are not as lethal and that travelers can usually avoid them easily. Most “ferocious” animals be they crocodiles, snakes or leopards do not attack people unless they have a good reason and are usually provoked.

The movie “Jaws” made the Great White shark a menace yet the number of shark attacks pale in comparison to murders and attacks everyday done by our own species.

Hungry animals may predate on people but this is usually out of desperation and not normal behavior.

.I met a Californian doctor who explained to me it was her job to immunize all the cast and crew for a whole season of Survivor. The TV network lawyers take everything to account and minimize any unnecessary risks.

The whole group was vaccinated en masse instead of depending on a sketchy “Immunity Idol”.

Interestingly, I had met John, a 65 yr man living on the island of Aitutaki in Cook Islands where a whole season of Survivor had been shot on one of the smaller islets or atolls. He scoffed at any risk to the castaways since he claimed that food was everywhere- the chicken ran free (anyone was welcome to catch, kill, cook and eat any they find) and all types of fruit were common.

He would have to remember to bring a light blanket although he probably still wouldn’t t need it much!

I have noted how much people enjoy these shows especially among the non- travelers.

I don’t think that most people realize that with a modest savings they themselves could be doing similar travels themselves.

I am sure their own travels and adventures would be more interesting than contrived television drama.

The risks and dangers are not what many non-travelers think.

The exotic and unknown always appears to have increased and heightened danger but the issues that most travelers will encounter still involve auto accidents, petty theft and crime.

Most snakes will avoid people if possible.

Man-eater animals like bears, great cats and sharks tend to avoid people simply because we are not their usual food. Most attacks are either from provoked or surprised encounters or rarely predation when the animal is desperate. All wild animals from bears to dogs to deer should be considered unpredictable because they are wild.

If you leave them alone and give them wide respect there is usual no problem.

There are cases of innocent people being attacked by wild moose or elk because someone else was tormenting them earlier.

If you see a wild animal keep in mind you have no idea what someone else was doing to it. You can never tell what a wild animal’s previous expierence with “wild” humans was so be watchful.

This is one reason we don t feed the bears and rangers react strongly to wild animals that have lost their proper fear of people.

If you do decide to embark on an adventure yourself, remember that wild animals and strange environments will not be your biggest worry because you still have to look out for trouble from members of your own tribe.

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There really is no such thing as an Immunity Idol