Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery is an interesting medical specialty that uses a number of surgical and nonsurgical techniques to change the appearance and function of a person's body.

The word "plastic" derives from the Greek plastikos meaning to mold or to shape.

As a medical student in Manitoba most of the procedures I saw were functionally reconstructive operations after trauma or diseases. Later as a community physician I became more aware of the more cosmetic enhancements that emphasized improved aestehics and were considered elective surgery. These being non-essential rocedures they of course are non-ensured and can be increasingly expensive.

While many Manitobans stay locally to get procedures some travel outside to other countries as “surgical tourists” for procedures that may not be offered locally or for better prices.

Anyone of course may book a trip anywhere and register themselves at a foreign clinic. However concerns about the quality and safety of work emerges as returnees encounter difficulties and complications.

Several Winnipeg plastic surgeons related to me some of the difficult complications they had encountered with patients who had received procedures abroad such as empyemas (pus in the lungs) from overlying skin infections. It is ironic that people seeking to look more beautiful would be so terrible sick from sloppy work. Simple surgical procedures were obviously done quickly and carelessly that should have easily been prevented.


These people also have no recourse for followup except now at home as the original surgeon is usually beyond reproach or litigation in a developing country.


Of course many people undoubtably have straightforeward procedures and are content. But people seeking plastic surgury outside our Health care system also lose the quality assurance and regulatory bodies that ensure clinics do not cut corners on safety or cleansliness.

Each patient should have a connection with their plastic surgeon for followup after surgury and appropriate check up appointments. Sometimes a revision or adjustment needs to be done.

Having a plastic surgeon you can actually return to see if you have a problem is a great relief for patients.


I am in great respect for the reconstructive work done by my Winnipeg colleagues and recognize that they also spend time on people who want to improve their appearances. I would encourage Manitobans seeking cosmetic procedures to consider going local despite any deals they may find overseas. All of the plastic surgeons I know do much more than just “nose jobs”, “tummy tucks' and “breast implants”. Having a surgeon who is more than a simple procedurist guarantees a much higher level of quality patient care.


The Canadian Association of Plastic Surgeons ( ) makes some suggestions for how to select a plastic surgeon which include how they are certified, any complaints and feedback from regulatory bodies. The Association does state that there is no foolproof way to choose a plastic surgeon or to guarantee your results and this should always be kept in mind.


Cosmetic surgery is frequently a source of amusement and jokes in our culture but for many people do choose to change themselves for a variety of reasons it is important to supply them with good and competant care and not let them be taken advantage of.