International Mothers :Adopting a child


Childless couples are frequently seeking children from developing countries but the rules and processes for adoption can change frequently.


I had encountered an American couple in Tibet whom had been on three adoption trips before they were finally able to adopt a little girl. They had spent much of their time and money going through several adoption agencies before finally being accepted. There was no question of their suitability to be parents but they had to go through the process several times before they were successful.

In retrospect some of the agencies they went through had no intentions of allowing them to adopt but cheerfully took their money anyway.


Many countries have been known for easy adoptions. In Winnipeg we have seen prospective couples travel to Romania, Ukraine, and Ethiopia and most recently Kazakhstan. Some countries are now closing their adoption policies.


We strongly encourage prospective adoptees to discuss their situations with other families when evaluating adoption agencies.


I have heard no complaints and only successful outcome stories from Winnipeg couples but like the American couple I mention there are many adoption frauds out there.


Couples are encouraged to get the recommended immunizations for their country of adoption with some added considerations.

All household family members (parents, siblings and grandparents) should get hepatitis b immunizations as some orphans may be hepatitis b carriers.

Children may be reportedly already tested for hepatitis b, HIV and be up to date on their childhood vaccines already but as a general rule this is not always assured.

Pediatricians at their discretion will restart a vaccination series if there is doubt that a child did not receive a good quality series of immunizations.

Also screening for HIV, Hepatitis B, and parasites may be done if the doctor thinks this appropriate. These illnesses may not be common but ruling them out also brings relief to families.

It is hard enough to find a doctor in Winnipeg even more so for newly adopted children, who do not even exist in the country.

Some Winnipeg pediatricians will agree to accept adoption patients if approached in advance.


Some children are born from countries that require exotic vaccines and are given in their own home country. These do not have to be continued in Canada since we obviously don't have those diseases.

We had a young girl from Thailand was due for her Japanese encephalitis vaccine but we realized she would not be returning to any area of risk so we decided to just discontinue the series.

However if planning a return to their home countries both adoptees and parents need to check if their immunizations are current or not.




Unfortunately most prospective moms do not the benefits of being Angela Jolie or Madonna with express lane adoptions but even these superstars have the need for children.

Manitoba adoption resources can be found