Jaylene Johnson - World Vision Christmas Concert
We would like to invite you to a special concert and speaking engagement on Dec 17th 7pm at 264 Tache.
Jaylene Johnson a local Winnipeg Singer and Artist will be speakin on her recent trip to El Salvador on behalf of Worldvision. She will also be performing several of her songs. This event is open to everyone and is free although we will be promoting donations towards Worldvision.
For more information about Jaylene and her music please visit her website at www.jaylenejohnson.com
We will be discussing how people can become involved with world vision.

Influenza (2004-2005 Season)

Meningitis for Travelers to Saudi Arabia
We have always had several clients going to Saudi Arabia for the Haj who require the Meningitis a/c/w/y vaccine for entry to that country. In the past this vaccine had been difficult to acquire due to shortage. We have secured a reliable supply for this season and will be able to assist last minute Pilgrims requiring this.
This vaccine usually costs about 140 dollars at the pharmacy but if given a weeks notice we are able to supply the vaccine at 110 dollars (please check with us first about all other costs as this is only the meningitis vaccine) We recently sent out several pamphlets to the Islamic community in Winnipeg detailing this and other preventative health measures for the Haj.
For more information please contact our receptionist Candace at 1 (204) 453 9107
For more information on Meningitis click here or on Saudi Arabia click here
For your reference a downloadable version of this text can be found at these links.
Front Page
- Back Page

Hepatitis A for Restaurant Workers
We are beginning a new program to promote the routine immunization of Hepatitis A vaccine for restaurant workers, food handlers and cooks in responce to several outbreaks in Canada.
We have spoken with several members of the restaurant industry locally and will continue to do so. We will e having an Open Information Booth at the Sheraton Winnipeg through the Winnipeg Chanber of Commerce
Oct 7th as part of their business mixer. Interested parties can meet our staff and learn more about this program. click here
For more information please contact our receptionist Candace at 1 (204) 453 9107

Hepatitis B and Athletes
Te risk of blood borne infections through Sport has always been appreciated. We are beginning an information program for athletes and coaches regarding Hepatitis B. In Manitoba Hepatitis B is routinely offered to all Grade 4 children but there is a significant portion of young health adults who are not protected. Risk of Hepatitis B is greatest for those involved in needle sharing, steroid abuse, drug addicition, and unprotected sex all of which many would feel they would be at low risk. Travelers going to high risk countries are also at risk. Hepatitis B has also been reported in contact sport with the exchange of bodily fluids through wounds or scrapes. This has been an under appreciated risk and we encourage all healthy adults to consider this immunization if they fall into any of the risk groups.
For more information please contact our receptionist Candace at 1 (204) 453 9107 click here

On August 5th, Wayne Podolsky Consul gave a brief talk for travelers on how Foreign Affairs Canada works. Wayne has submitted his outline. For those who could not attend this information may be found at www.voyage.gc.ca.
Or to read Wayne's remarks click here

Travel Medical Supplies
We are now selling some hard to find equipment for travelers. Many good products are available in stores but the following are usually found only in specialized clinics. We still recommend the excellent web based companies who sell these products but those attending our clinic may now buy directly from us.

Sterile Needle Kit   Permethrin Insect Spray   Long acting DEET formulations

October 8th - 9th Polar Bear and Artic Medicine Confrence
The goal of our program is to educate physicians and other health care professionals on issues related to Health in wilderness settings. We have members of different allied professions on this meeting's faculty to give a multidisciplinary perspective. More...

May 2004 - Kegeno
"Kageno is an innovative and sustainable community- development program developed to meet the dire needs of the Kolunga Beach village located on Lake Victoria in western Kenya. Through interdependent programs and infrastructure development, Kageno addresses the dual malaise of the area:impoverishement and HIV/AIDS. Kageno creates both jobs and opportunities to lower the HIV/AIDS transmission incidence as well as treating those adults and AIDS orphans who are already suffering from the disease." For more information visit their website at www.kageno.org

Wilderness Medicine
Wilderness Medicine like sports medicine is a broad term to describe an exciting new field of medicine. More...