PoodleSky Net
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Cottage Renovations and Rentals

Calabogie, Burnstown, Renfrew - Specialising in cottages on the Madawaska River

Doors, windows, kitchens and cabinets, floor refinishing and other general renovation work.
Painting, landscaping and general maintenance services also available.
Cottage rentals available now - see our new AirBnB site for details and availability.

Call Wayne today for a free estimate or for more info on rentals.

Contact: cottage@podolsky.ca

Gary Robert Podolsky, M.D.
1968 - 2009

Dediciated to the memory of Gary Podolsky, M.D.

On October 24, 2009, Gary suddenly passed away.  Taken from us too soon and too young:


Archive of Gary's website, as it appeared on October 24, 2009 - this archive contains all his articles and reference materials on travel medicine: http://www.podolsky.ca/en

"To speak the name of the dead is to make them live again, it restores the breath of life to he who has vanished"
From the ancient Egyptian "Book of the Dead"

OK - its time!